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Leyaa Lyana
hyee , i'm leyaa .. thank for you readers because always read my stories .. i'm a simple person , like to laugh and i like to be friend with you .. do add me at my facebook or follow me at my twitter ..
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Thursday 21 June 2012

i have this .. i love this .. and i love you my MUHAMMAD KHAIRI ..

assalamualaikum .. hyehye .. aritu leyaa ade update about MK kan kan .. kalau tak baca just visit old post .. hahha , now leyaa still nak update about MK but bukan tentang diri dy .. tentang hadiah yang dia bagi .. woowwww , baru couple da dapat hadiah .. hahahha , itulaa keromantikan dia di sebalik wajah yang agak brutal itu .. cewahh ..
# btw , leyaa sendiri tak twu dia seromantik ni .. hahah .. tyme dia nak beli uh ingat kan main2 .. lastly dapat betul2 .. thankz bie <3

okeyokey , korang mesti nak twu kan kan macam mana leyaa dapat hadiah ni .. hahha , actually MK memang tawu leyaa suka sangat HELLO KITTY .. leyaa main2 laa mintak .. well , korang pon mesti laa pernah buat kat pakwe korang kan kan .. then aleh2 dia beli betul2 .. hahha .. syg awex punya pasal laa konon2nya :p .. so , bila dapat pg tadi hadiah tuh , menggelupur laa kejap kan .. bukan apa , excited .. da lama tak dpt hadiah dari pakwe .. hahahha ... soo , dengan rakusnyaa laaa kan leyaa bukak .. emm , leyaa ada snap gambar .. leyaa just letak gambar jelaa ea , korang tgk laa sendiri :D

 memang ranap kotak ngn sampul tuh .. punyalaa tak sabar :p

 bukti laa konon .. hahahah .. just nak bgtahu tulisan awak buruk laa anje :PP

thankz bie for the 1st give nih .. hope pasni dapat lagi .. hahahhahah .. ILOVEYOU <3

wid love , leyaa

dah baca ? sila lah like and comment , thanks !

Friday 15 June 2012

hanya kerna kau yang cukup indah ~

Don't know if I could ever be Without you 
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie 
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high 
And you're the one I wanna marry 

Cause you're the one for me 
And I'm the one for you 
You take the both of us 
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

sumtime , words cannot explain the feelings of mind but still i can find the love in your eyes .. i love you Muhammad Khairi and i do love you .. insyaAllah it will be forever and i hope soo ~

wid love , leyaa

dah baca ? sila lah like and comment , thanks !